Capacity of Renewable Energy Sources in RAO ES of East Comprises 300 KW

In 2013 the company is planning to build three solar power plants in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and two wind diesel complexes in Kamchatka Territory.

OAO RAO Energy Systems of East present long-term plans on the development of renewable energy sources projects in the Far Eastern Federal District within the framework of the conference “The future of renewable energy in Russia. The Deputy General Director of the company on Strategy and Investment Alexey Kaplun presented his report.

In 2013 the company is planning to build three solar power plants in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – in the village Kudu-Kuel and the villages Dulgalakh and Bykov Mys. The aggregate installed capacity of these power plants will comprise 80 kW. Also the next year will see the commissioning of 2 wind diesel complexes – in the village of Ust-Kamchatsk and Nikolskoye of Kamchatka Territory. The aggregate installed capacity of these power plants will comprise 825 kW. At present the aggregate installed capacity of the active RER-objects belonging to the company comprises 300 kW, out of which 40 kW were commissioned in 2012.

The plans of the Holding presuppose the construction of over 14575 kW of installed capacity of wind diesel generation in Kamchatka Territory and 825 kW in Sakhalin region before 2016. The program of solar power plants construction in Yakutia presupposes commissioning 3590 kW of installed capacity by 2020. The total coat of the listed projects amounts at over 3 billion rubles.

“The zones of decentralized power supply at the Far East of the Russian Federation hva large potential of RER-technologies, — the reporter emphasized. – Today the power supply of remote villages is provided by means of diesel stations, and it takes up to several years, which leads to its seriously increasing in price. Installing solar or wind power facilities in such areas will result in reduced expenditure in fuel, which makes the execution of RER-projects economically efficient, and will allow to reduce the tariff once the recoupment of the project is achieved”.

According to Alexey Kaplun, the main risk of RER projects execution in the Far Eastern Federal District is the absence of legislative acts that would regulate return on investment. He says that the main accent would be made on the formation of long-term tariffs on electrical and heat energy (capacity) in the Far Eastern Federal District area.

It should be reminded that RER-projects in the structure of RAU ES of East Holding are executed by OAO Movable Energy (construction of wind diesel complexes) and OAO Sakhenergo (construction of solar generation facilities in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)).

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