Cat Caused Second of Disturbance at Novgorodenergo Power Facilities

On November 27 at 20:16 Moscow time a short time power outage occurred due to the impact of large current at the overhead power transmission line 110 kV Antonovskaya 1 and 2 and Ilmenskaya 5 of the branch of IDGC of North-West Novgorodenergo.

As a result of prompt response of the emergency control system the power lines were successfully reset. The incident did not lead to de-energizing customers and power supplying substations.

While inspecting the substations Novgorodskaya, Rayonnaya and Vostochnaya in the morning of November 28 the specialists of Novgorodenergo identified the reason of the short circuit in the power grid 110 kV – this was a cat. The animal got inside the outdoor switchgear of the substation Vostochnaya.

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