Citizens of Stakhanov to Start Wood Heating

26 thousand residents in the town of Stakhanov (the Lugansk region) have turned from the centralized heat supply to the individual (wood) heating.

90 percent of the population of Stakhanov have switched from the central heating to the individual one. This was announced by the mayor of Stakhanov Yuriy Borisov. According to the mayor, Stakhanov is to be heated with wood and namely with wood pellets.

“For a start we are going to use this alternative fuel in one of the school boiler houses, which is at present heated with coal. We are going to monitor its efficiency and if we come to the conclusion that it is worth doing, we will turn gas boiler houses to using solid fuel”, — the mayor specified.

Yuriy Borisov also said that they have no problems with the gas supply and all the municipal boiler houses are operating in the ordinary course.

“The contracts with Naftogaz of Ukraine have been concluded and fulfilled in due time” – Borisov ensures.
Only three thousand flats are still heated through the centralized heating system. The town’s authorities have plans to turn the whole city to using the autonomous heat supply.

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