Coal Terminal to be Built on Western Bank of Kola Bay

Kola Bay

Kola Bay

The government of the Murmansk region signed a tripartite agreement on the construction of the coal terminal and the railroad line on the western bank of the Kola Bay. The document was signed by the investors-the participants of the agreement and the governor of the region Marina Kovtun.

The investment agreement presupposes the construction of the railroad line Vykhodnoy-LAvna, deepening the bottom of the water area of the bay and the construction of the port fleet base. These events are to receive funding from the federal budget and will be carried out no later than 2015. In the period from 2015 to 2018 the coal transshipment complex and the railroad passage to it are to be commissioned. OOO Commercial sea port Lavna is investing into the construction of the coal terminal 14.5 billion rubles.

The agreement on the construction of the coal terminal and the railroad line on the western bank of the Kola Bay is the start of the project of the Murmansk traffic center development. We have not carried out such a large-scale construction in Murmansk region for a long time. The hopes of region on the powerful boost towards development. The signed agreement is an example of the real work of the governmental-private partnership, when the parties act in the conditions of the mutual interest, and instead of the administrative barriers on the contrary the possibility appears to use the administrative resources for the common purpose”, — the governor of Murmansk reion Marina Kovtun points out.

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