Contaminated Soil in Kuban Removed After Derailment of Rail Tank with Petroleum Products

On arrival to the Southern Federal District the head of the emergency Ministry Vladimir Puchkov has to change his plans urgently. Having received a message about a fire in Temryukovskiy district, where several rail tanks caught fire, the minister immediately left for the place of accident to be able to personally supervise the emergency operations.

So far the railway groundwork has been fully restored, the movement of trains has been renewed without limitations.

It should be reminded that on November 24 13 rail tanks with crude oil were derailed on the entry line in the Temryukskiy district of Krasnodar Territory, 6 km away from the population center of Viushesteblievskaya, with 4 tanks catching fire.

To skim the spilled oil products subdivisions of ECO-rescue arrived to the site (5 custom vehicles, 14 people, 14 units of equipment on board – oil skimmers, 100 km of sorbent onboard)
To pump the oil products from the upset tanks ZAO Tamanneftegaz organized the delivery of 11 railroad tanks 60 tons each.

The works have been carried out on clearing and taking away the oil railroad bed (500 meters). Soil specimens were taken by the experts of the FSI Centre of Laboratory Analysis and Technical Metrology.
Collection of contaminated soil is planned to be carried out by means of ZAO Tamanneftegaz after obtaining the results of the analysis. 2 excavators and an earthmover are used for boarding. The contaminated area comprised 120 square meters. The contaminated soil will be carried out by 7 MAZ vehicles to the specially prepared site in OOO Sirius in the vicinity of the Senniy village in Temryukovskiy district.

Altogether 218 manpower and 40 customs vehicles are engaged into eliminating the consequences of the accident, out of which 38 people and 6 vehicles belong to the Emergency Ministry.

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