«Daughter»’s Loan Results in Assets Growth

The total assets of OAO INTER RAO UES in the first half of 2011 rose by 367.93 billion rubles. As of July 30 they make up 503.21 billion rubles. The rise of assets was caused by the issue of OAO INTER RAO UES additional shares which was completed on May 17 2011. As a result the batches of shares of power generating, retail, engineering and other companies. One of the centers of the transferred assets consolidation was the company INTER RAO Capital. The “daughter” company was given a special purpose interest-free loan for purchasing energy assets.

As a result the authorized capital growth made up 235,8% (273 billion rubles compared to 81.3 billion rubles at the beginning of the year), and the size of the income obtained due to the emission as of July 30 is 195.1 billion rubles. Meanwhile the total amount of liabilities for the fiscal half of the year has slightly risen compared to the same parameter at the beginning of the year and is 43.64 billion rubles against 42.90 billion rubles as of December 31 2010.

The leverage compared to the beginning of 2011 has fallen from 20.39 billion rubles to19.50 billion rubles (by 4.3%), which is explained mostly by the scheduled redemption of the principal debt in accordance with the terms of actual loan agreements. The correlation of long-term and short-term debts has remained practically unchanged, the company statement says.


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