Disassembly of Equipment Starts at Substation Zapadnaya in Vologda

The branch of OAO IDGc of North-West Vologdaenergo embarked on the execution of the large investment progect dedicated to the reconstruction of the substation 110/35/6 kv Zapadnaya in the city of Vologda. This year the capital investment of the energy company into the project are to comprise about 55 million rubles.

At present the engineers of the subcontractor organization are embarking on the execution of the disassembly works on the territory of the substation 110/35/10/6 kv Zapadnaya. Within the framework of he project in 2012 the power facility will see the disassembly of the outdoor switchgear ORU-35 kv and the construction of the building for the substation control and the indoor switchgear.

The construction plan of the city of Vologda presupposes the creation and development of the perspective residential areas Belozerskiy and Kurolit with the predicted loading of 19.7 Mva. The execution of the project will allow to satisfy the demands of the would-be consumers for the necessary capacity as well as enable the quality, stable and no-break power supply.
The project is a part of the “Scheme and program of the development of the electrical energy industry in Vologda region for 2013-2017”, which was adopted on 27.04.2012. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2015.

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