Dzerzhinskaya CHPP Strengthens Shores of Drainage Channel

In Dzerzhinskaya combined heat and power plant of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of OJSC «TGC-6» (controlled by IES-Holding) implements an investment project to strengthen the banks open drainage channel.

The drainage channel with thetwo road bridges, a siphon well, a multi-step cascade weir has been in operation since 1961. This is an artificial construction of 2763 meters long used to drain the processed water used for cooling turbine condensers into the Oka River.

For more than 50 years of operation, the technical condition of the channel slope has undergone significant changes, particularly in the area of flooding from the Oka during the spring flood. The task of the reinforcement works is to restore the geometry of the slope according to the design of coated gravel and concreting of individual sections of the channel and additional strengthening them in the zone of variable level, as well as cleaning the shrubs on the banks of the channel.

«The bank protection works will ensure the reliability of the channel and the building on it, the safety of its operation and safety of the facilities, located on the banks of the canal» — said the deputy technical director of Dzerzhinskaya CHPP in the repair and re-equipment Sergei Hohlin.

The cost of the project of the technical re-sloping of the drainage channel is 14.9 million rubles. The work will be completed in September 2012

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