Eastern regions of Russian Federation Need to Develop Energy Saving Programs

The participants of the round-table discussion in the State Duma recommended the authorities of the Far Eastern and Baikal regions to create medium-term programs on energy saving and the long-term programs of electric power industry development.

The round table discussion dedicated to the complex development of the electric power industry infrastructure of the Far East and the Baikal Region took place on Monday in the State Duma Committee on Energy Industry with the participation of the representatives of ministries, power and grid companies as well as regional authorities.

“The heads of the constituents of the Russian Federation are recommended … to develop the regional programs of the electric power development for the period up to 2030, including the development of the small distributed energy industry, to develop the regional programs of energy saving and raising energy efficiency of the economy of the RF constituent for the period up to 2018, including the creating of the perspective of the fuel and energy balance of the territory”, — this, in particular, is stated in the recommendations adopted by the participants of the round-table discussion.

The participants of the event pointed out that the development of the Far East and the Baikal region is thwarted both by the disscoordination in the different programs and strategies in Russia as a whole and the peculiarities of the regions, such as its isolation from the rest of the country and the lack of communication among the separate zones of population concentration and economy activity in the east of the country.

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