Energy Ministry of Russia Counts on Reviving Energy Cooperation with Belarus

The Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation (Minenergo) hopes to revive the energy cooperation between the Russian and the Belorussian energy companies, including issue of purchasing the Belorussian petrochemical complex Naftan-Polimir, the deputy head of the Ministry Anatoly Yanovsky told the journalists.
‘The events of the last year, including the formation of the Common Free Market Zone and the Customs Union created the opportunities for the further revival of our energy cooperation’, Yanovsky said answering the question about the progress in the negotiations with Belarus on the Russian companies’ buying the assets of the Belorussian enterprises.

‘There are offers on Naftan-Polymir’, – Yanovsky added.

The Belorussian authorities declared their intention to privatize Naften-Polymir, one of the largest petrochemical complexes in the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Eastern Europe, which was created in November 2008 through the merger of Polymir and Naftan companies. The open joint stocks companies Naftan and Polymir were merged in November 2008: the Novopolotsk based plant Polymir was integrated into the OAO Naftan. The president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko evaluated Naftan-Polymir at 3 billion dollars, and at the end of January the first vice prime-minister Vladimir Semashko noted the decrease in the Russian companies Rosneft and LUKOIL’s interest towards the enterprise.

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