EuroChem Terminal to Start Operation in Tuapse Despite Locals’ and Environmentalists’ Protests

According to the EcoWatch in the Northern Caucasia on July 26 2011 the station of Tuapse is to receive 45 wagonloads of mineral fertilizers for the Tuapse Bulk Terminal (TBT) belonging to EuroChem Company.

As the environmentalists point out, the actions of the company will contradict the president’s instruction of 21.06.2011 in accordance with which there must be consultations with the environmentalists and a public hearing on the terminals in Tuapse, and this project must be improved. By now neither consultations nor public hearings have taken place.

If the information about Tuapse Bulk Terminal being put in operation is confirmed, the Committee on Tuapse Protection and the EcoWatch of the Northern Caucasia are going to call the citizens of the city to the streets in protest on July 31 2011 and have a rally in the central street of the city.

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