Federal Grid Company Uses Portable Dissolved Gas Analyzer First Time in Sochi

The Bulk Power System of the South has become the first in Sochi Region to use an innovative device of power transformers testing and control – a portable dissolved gas analyzer. Using this modern development helps to assess technical state of power facilities with maximal speed and precision and in this way to prevent possible disaster situations in early stages.

A portable dissolved gas analyzer unlike traditional testing devices uses a new technology for obtaining precise and accurate results directly onsite within several minutes. The analyzer defines the type of a developing breakage, identifies defects in a power transformer on an early stage of their development, enables calculating its ageing process as well as classifying the type of a defect judging by the analysis result.

A modern portable dissolved gas analyzer will enable to assess in due time the state of power transformers in fifteen 110-500 KW transforming substations which are under reconstruction or re-equipment in Sochi region and which total capacity comprises 3207 MW. This will result in considerable decrease in renovation and restoration expenses, in cutting the number of man-hours as well as ensuring environmental safety of the Olympic power facilities.

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