FGC to Build About 1.3 Thousand km of OL-220-550 KW in Rostov Region till 2016

MES South is going to build about 1300 km of overhead power transmission lines till 2016 within the framework of the investment program of FGC UES. The works are to be conducted in compliance with the Diagram and Program of the development of UES of Russia for 2011-2017.

The plans include the construction of five high-voltage power lines with the voltage of 220-500 KW: Rostovskaya-Andreevskaya (355 km), Rostovskaya-Tikhoretsk (2nd circuit, 360 km), Rostovskaya NPP-Rostovskaya (285 km), Rostovskaya NPP – Shakhty (86 km), Volgodonsk — Mining and Concentration complex (105 km). The design works are being conducted at the moment.

Commissioning new facilities will allow to provide the necessary voltage from Rostovskaya nuclear power plant into the energy system of the South, will raise the stability of the energy systems of Rostov, Stavropol and Kuban. Besides, the Federal Grid Company will create the conditions for executing large-scale investment projects. Among them, there is for instance the construction of mining and concentration complex in Rostov region, the construction of the sugar beet processing plant in the Stavropol Territory.

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