FGC UES to Carry Out Helicopter Fly-Over to Inspect Overhead Power Lines at Far East

Within the framework of the preparation for the heating season 2012/2013 the branch of OAO FGC UES _ Main Electrical Grids of the East – is to inspect the technical state of power facilities 220-500 kv in the Khabarovsk Territory, Amur region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The total length of the power transmission lines scheduled for inspection is 6000 km.
The helicopter fly-overs allow to promptly and with high precision define the technical state of the equipment, including the distance between the transmission towers, the land and the wires, the state of the transmission towers, to indentify the trees, which are likely to fall down and the thicket below the cables, especially in the hard-to-reach areas.

So far the flyovers included the lines 220 kv Khabarovskaya – Start 1,2 and the overhead power transmission lines Khabarovskaya – Komsomolskaya, which participate in the transit of electrical energy to the consumers in the central regions of the Khabarovsk Territory, and therefore go through the difficult to access territory of the Selgonskie moorland. In August the engineers of MES of East are to inspect the power transmission lines, located in Amur region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

In the course if the fly-overs the power lines are photographed, and the photos are used as a basis for analyzing the state of infrastructure facilities. The obtained information is used in planning the repair and special purpose programs, as well as in developing technical activities aimed at raising the stability of power supply in the region.

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