Fire Starts During Gas Pipeline Repairs in Yaroslavl Region

On July 3 in the afternoon in the course of repair works in the gas pipeline in the village of Lodygino in the Myshkinskiy district of Yaroslavl region the reserve line burst out, with the emerging fire as a consequence.

The accident was reported to the duty shift of the Crisis Management Center of the Chief Department of the Emerency Ministry of Russia in Yaroslavl region at 12:45.
The emergency response teams of the Chief department of the regional Emergency Ministry, the 8th detachment of the Federal Fire-Fighting Service in Yaroslavl region, the fire guard garrison of Myshkino municipal district, First Aid Team, the State traffic safety inspectorate, representatives of the regional office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and of OOO Gazprom transgas Ukhta.

At 12:46 the gas pressure was bled off and the fire was extinguished.
There is not threat to the nearby population centers. The gas supply is provided in the usual way.

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