First Wind Turbines Arrive at Construction Site of Botievskaya Wind Farm

DTEK Priazovie wind farm30 wind turbines Vestas V112-3.0 MW with the capacity of 3 MW each are to be installed in the pilot project «Wind Power» — Botievskaya Wind Plant. The mounting of the first wind turbines in Botievo is scheduled for August 2012.

It is expected that the first stage of Botievskaya wind plant will be commissioned in December 2012. Its capacity is to comprise 9- MW.

At present the two sets of wind turbines have arrived to the
construction sites of Botievskaya wind plant (a part of the DTEK
Priazovskiy wind farm) from the port of Mariupol. The bulky cargo (the length of the largest detail is 55 cm) is transported by the Holleman company. The distance of 300 km is covered in more than three days by eleven trailers of the motor-vehicle train.

The manufacturer of wind turbines is Vestas Deutschland — a German subdivision of the Danish company Vestas Wind Systems AS, with which DTEK signed a corresponding agreement on the delivery of equipment in January 2012.

The current portfolio of projects of Wind Power (DTEK) in Zaporozhe and Donetsk regions includes two find farms with the total capacity of bout 1200 MW. The wind farm in Zaporozhe region — DTEK Priazovskiy.

Apart from the pilot project of Botievskaya wind plant with the
capacity of 200 MW it includes Berdyanskaya wind plant (150 MW) and Primorskaya wind plant (200 MW), the preparation stage in the execustion of which is being completed. The wind farm DTEK Mangush (Donetsk region) is in the process of wind monitoring.

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