Foton Euro V Hybrid Buses Appear in Russian Capital City

Two China-manufactured hybrid buses priced at thirteen million eighty thousand rubles (four hundred forty thousand American dollars) have been given as a gift by the authorities of Beijing to the government of the Russian capital city as well as to the residents and guests of Moscow. Another Foton Euro V hybrid went to the Palmyra of the North and will please the citizens of St. Petersburg with its environmental friendliness. The buses were presented as a sign of supporting the initiatives of promoting environmentally friendly types of public transportation and adopting comprehensive measures on environmental protection in the large cities of the planet. Using just 29.5 liters of gasoline for 100 km-run the new hybrid bus generates from this amount of fuel enough electrical energy to move on the desired track. Conventional passenger vehicles with the same number of seating places need much more hydrocarbon fuel to cover the same distance.

No less than one thousand Foton Euro V hybrid buses run along the streets if Beijing at present. The environmentalists noted a considerable decrease in the content of harmful substances in the atmosphere of the Chinese capital city just several weeks after the program of transition to environmentally safe public transportation was started. Apart from nine other Chinese cities such hybrid passenger transport vehicles are running in the major cities of other countries in Asia, Europe and the United States, The number of the environmentally friendly buses in the streets of the global social centers is growing steadily and this makes air in our once green planet cleaner.

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