Fuel Getting More and More Expensive at Yamal

The price for diesel fuel, which is delivered from the Surgut condensate stabilization plant to Yamal-Nenets autonomous district, rose by 5428 rubles for one ton (+22.5%) in September against the price of this oil product in September 2011.

To reduce the net cost of diesel fuel deliveries the schemes of fuel delivery with the direct involvement of manufacturers have been developed. The logistics chain includes OAO Gazprom Neft (oil products), OAO Gazprom, OAO Vorkutaugol (coal), OAO NOVATEK (gas condensate). The bulk trains include the enterprises of the territory – OAO Rosneft-Yamalnefteproduct, OAO Purgeoflot, as well as some others.

To reduce the time of nonproductive vessel idleness, to raise the tank farm of product pipelines, to properly organize pick-up locations of goods for this year navigation, the procedure of preliminary work was taken under control in all the regional bodies. The preterm shipment of fuel resources to the districts of Yamal has almost been completed.

Dmitriy Kobylkin, the Governor Of Yamal, initiated a sitting of the Council of Authorities is Salekhard, where the process of providing fuel for the region was discussed. It is worth mentioning that there are seven districts, which participate in the centralized fuel deliveries in the territory.

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