Gasprom: Just Add Pipes?

Due to the increase in gas export from Russia to Europe there might be a need in the construction of additional gas pipelines. This was declared by the Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee Alexey Miller, reports.

It is far too early now to discuss the possible volumes and routes for new gas pipelines, but on the whole the situation seems to be going in this direction. Among the reasons for new gas pipelines is the redirection of CNG export from the European market to Japan. The export volume at the end of the current year may comprise 12 billion cubic meters. Miller also mentioned such reasons as cessation of gas delivery from Libya and Germany’s exit from nuclear power.

In the company’s release it is noted that in 2010 its gas pipelines in Russia took in about 661 billion cubic meters of gas. The volume of transportation of gas belonging to companies which are not members of the Gazprom group of companies was 72.6 billion cubic meters.

In 2010 in Russia 1340 km of cross-country gas pipe-lines and an inline gas-compressor station were set in operation.

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