Gazprom Finance B.V and Negusneft Admitted to Contest for Privatization of Greek DEPA

According to the information provided by the Greek Privatization Agency, the list of 14 candidates, which have been admitted to the privatization contest of the Greek gas company DEPA includes two Russian applicants.

Alongside with the other twelve companies from different countries Gazprom Finance B.V, which is a subsidiary of Gazprom and OAO Negusneft, which is a part of Sintes Group will be admitted to the privatization contest, since their applications comply with the contest requirements.

The Greek mass-media spread the information that the Russian investment fund “Energy”, the co-owner of which is the ex-Energy Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Yusufov also applied for participation in the contest. However, it has recently become known that the applicant did not pass the preliminary selection.

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