Gazprom Neft Plans to Spend 130 Billion Rubles on Upgrade of Moscow Oil Refinery

The Moscow City Duma discussed the order of upgrade of waste treatment facilities of the oil refinery in Kapotnya during the sitting on October 15.

At the beginning of the sitting Lyudmila Stebenkova, the chairperson of the Health Care and Health Protection Committee reminded the participants that most of the districts of the South-East of Moscow experience discomfort related to the emissions, bad smell and continuously burning flare of the oil refinery, which is located in Kapotnya.

The results of surveys are eloquent of the fact that the health of the nation is only in 15% connected with the state of the health care and in 85% it depends on the lifestyle and the place of residence. I have lived near the oil refinery for twenty years myself and have tasted all the “attractions” of this harmful neighborhood” – Stebenkova says. In 2011 the upgrade of the enterprise was started, the peculiarities of which were covered by its representatives.

Gennadiy Kuzovlv, the deputy head of OAO Gazpromneft-Moscow Oil Refinery said that the Moscow oil refinery has just celebrated its 75th anniversary. The enterprise enters the five largest oil refining plants in the country. Today it gives jobs to over two thousand employees. The plant occupies the territory of 302 ha. MOR was one of the first enterprises to start producing fuel according to Euro04 standards. Since 2011 the enterprise has been under reconstruction, which is scheduled to be completed in 2020. It is expected that the upgrade process (the reconstruction and raising te efficiency of oil refinery) will cost Gazpromneft 130 billion Russian rubles. The execution of the whole program of upgrade and reconstruction will give the oil refinery an opportunity to move to a totally new level of the production of motor fuel of 4 and 5 classes and also to considerably improve the environmental situation in the city.

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