Gazprom Partially Resumes Gas Deliveries to Yaroslavl

Gazprom mezhregiongaz resumed gas deliveries for the two of the three heat supply organizations of Yaroslavl, the press-service of the company reports on July 23.

As the head of the PR-department at Gazprom mezhregiongaz Maria Frolova said, the gas deliveries to OOO ADS and OOO TESS were resumed back on July 19 and 20, which means – before all the statements made by the mayor of Yaroslavl for mass-media. The company is looking forward to the debt repayment schedule from OAO TEK-1.

It should be reminded that the gas deliveries to the regional center were resumed due to the debt for resources consumption (as per the beginning of July it exceeded 70 million rubles). However, as the press-service of the company states, they were acting in accordance with the agreement reached between the governor Sergei Yastrebov and the deputy director general of OOO Gazprom mezhregiongaz in cooperation with authorities and regions Nickolay Isakov, as well as in full compliance with the legislation. The mayor Yevgeniy Urlashoc expressed his concern as to problems with gas supply being able to result in the social outburst in the city.

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