Gazprom Sends Comments to Draft Regulations On E-Gas Hub

Gazprom sent its comments to the government draft regulations on electronic gas hub trading and is looking forward to their publication, the member of the board of the holing and CEO of Gazprom mezhregiongaz Kirill Seleznev at the press-conference on Monday.

We sent our comments – I even fear to say how many times we did it already. We hope that our comments will be considered and the regulations will be adopted,” – quotes RIA Novosti.

Seleznev added that Gazprom is ready to continue with this work which they consider to be successful.

President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said in March about the necessity of a startup of gas hub trading and gave ordered the government to organize and ensure gas hub functioning by June 1.

Earlier in June there was news of RF government sending the draft regulations “On gas realization with the help of hub trading technologies” back to the Ministry of Energy for improvement.. The reasons for sending the document back and the possible terms of its introduction after improvement have not been stated.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation in its turn thinks that gas trading should be carried out both on the electronic trading platform and on the raw exchange market existing in the country.

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