Generating Unit # 2 of Khmelnitskaya NPP Disconnected from Power Grid of Ukraine

Khmelnitskaya nuclear power plant

On September 25 2012 at 08:08 a.m. the generating unit # 2 of the Khmelnitskaya nuclear power plant was disconnected from the power grid of Ukraine due to the response of the turbine protection in connection with the vibration amplification.

The radiation situation at the industrial estate and the adjacent regions has not changed and is at the level corresponding to the normal operation of generating units, not exceeding natural background values.

The Khmelnitskaya NPP is situated in the town of Neteshin of the Khmelnitskaya region of Ukraine near the river Goryn. The main destination of the power plant is to cover for the deficit of power capacity in the Western parts of Ukraine. The Khmelnitskaya NPP is a separated subdivision of the National Nuclear Energy Generating Company Energoatom

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