Generating Unit-5 of NVNPP Stopped for Repairs

Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant

Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant

The fifth generating unit of the Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant was stopped for the planned and maintenance repair and reload of nuclear fuel, the center for public information at the nuclear power plant reports. The engineers will have to carry out the disassembly and repairs, to conduct the control of the state of the reactor metal and its upper unit with the recharge of the active zone, they will also have to carry out the revision of the pipe branches of the system of the
reactor defense control, to carry out the capital and maintenance repairs of steam generators, reactor coolant pumps and their engines, the maintenance repairs of the main shutoff gate valves.

At present the generating unit 4 of the Novovoronezhskaya NPP operates in the set regime. The generating unit 3 is in the planned and maintenance repairs. There are no violations of the conditions of the generating units exploitation. The radiation environment at the NPP is within the normative values. The means of the radiation background in the population centers f the 30 km zone around the Novovoronezhskaya NPP has not changed and comply with the level of natural background values, characteristic of the Central European part of Russia.

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