Georgia Put Russian Gas Transportation to Armenia on Hold

On October 1 at 6:20 a.m. the gas delivery to Armenia was stopped for three days. The gas transportation company of Georgia officially notified ZAO ArmRosgazprom about this.

The Georgian company is planning to carry out the repair works at the main pipeline North Caucasus- Transcaucasia.

The gas supply for the consumers in Armenia will be carried out without restrictions, the press-service of ZAO ArmRosgazprom reports.

The Abovyany station of underground gas storage, located 30 kilometes to the north-east of Yerevan, allows to replenish the gas deficit if needed.

ZAO ArmRosgazprom is the only gas supplier to Armenia. OAO Gazprom owns 80% of the authorized capital of the company, the share of the Government of Armenia amounts to 20%. In 2011 Armenia receives about 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas.

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