Geoterm Increases Steam Potential for Power Plants

The Mutnovsky geothermal power plants have the maintenance campaign with the costs exceeding 41 million rubles completed. A special attention is paid to the main and auxiliary equipment used in the generation of electricity.

Due to the professional work of the technical staff of the station and the contractors all the works were completed ahead of schedule. Currently the Mutnovsky GeoPP carry a full load in accordance with the dispatch schedule.
The general construction works on Mutnovsky field included the repair of the foundations and the supporting structures of the pipelines of TBS, as well as the repairs of wellhead equipment.

Before winter comes it is planned to prepare motor vehicles, to conduct emergency response training, to create an emergency supply of backup equipment, spare parts and materials.

As part of its investment program OAO «Geoterm» continues to implement measures to increase the steam potential of the power plants. This spring a new production well Geo2 was drilled. Putting it into the production cycle will increase the available capacity of the Mutnovsky Geothermal Power Plants due to the involvement of additional volume of geothermal fluid.

According to the results of the test the well meets all the parameters necessary for the production of electricity. Currently, works are carried out to incorporate it into the work cycle. And this is only the beginning of a multi-year program to establish a reserve component of the geothermal steam power plants. The preparations to drill a new well Geo3 have begun.

In September, the plants will start a special commission, which will hold a comprehensive review of geothermal power plants ready for operation in low temperatures. In the course of this audit the commission should assess the readiness of the main geothermal power plant and auxiliary equipment for the autumn and winter period, as well as the working order of the fire alarm and fire fighting equipment. The inspection will result in the assessment of the stations readiness for the autumn-winter period with the award of corresponding certificates.

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