Governmental Committee on Energy Industry Presents New Perspectives for Russian Power Grid Complex Operation

Are there new models for the functioning of the power grid complex in the regions of the Russian Federation? On October 11 this issue was discussed at the recurrent sitting of the Governmental Committee on Energy Industry. Arkadiy Dvorkovich, the Vice Prime Minister, who is in charge of the fuel and energy complex in the government, share with the mass-media the information on the outcomes of the sitting.

According to the Vice Prime Minister, in case of the positive decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), a number of Russian enterprises may be classified as mono-consumers, which will give the opportunity to re-distribute the tariff load between the regional and territorial power grid complex. This may result in the reduced electricity tariffs Arkadiy Dvorkovich thinks.
The economical effect in numbers is to be calculated by December 20, and before that another sitting of the Governmental committee is to take place, says the Vice Prime Minister.

This date will also be the deadline for the calculations in relation to introducing the social consumption quota in the regions of the Russian Federation. The government needs the additional calculations to – as Dvorkovich puts it – “act very carefully, very smoothly”. The deputy chairman of the Government told the journalists that the introduction of the social quota has been worked out so far in the fifteen regions of the Russian Federation, where this project is to be executed in the pilot mode. However, the Vice Prime Minister has not specified, which regions will be the first to test the social quota for electricity consumption.

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