Green Investments of Rosneft’s Refining Complex to Reach about 136 Billion Roubles by 2024

Rosneft Oil Company plans to spend about 136 billion roubles on environmental measures at its refineries by 2024.

Preservation of the environment for future generations is an integral part of the corporate culture and business operations of Rosneft. The Company aims to achieve leadership positions in ensuring the eco-friendliness of its production and minimising the environmental impact. The Company’s oil refining complex is implementing a set of measures to reduce the technogenic impact on the environment.

The Company plans to implement more than 100 projects to reduce its negative impact on the environment, minimise environmental risks and achieve the targets of the Rosneft 2022 strategy as part of the implementation of the Environmental Action Plan.

The six main areas of the Environmental Programme are air protection, industrial waste management, protection of surface and groundwater bodies, measures to ensure legal requirements for environmental protection and protection of land bodies.

The projects include the reconstruction of biological treatment facilities at the Syzran, Kuibyshev and Ryazan refineries, as well as the reconstruction of mechanical treatment at the Novokuibyshevsk and Ryazan refineries. There are also plans to build a waste sulphuric acid regeneration unit at the Kuibyshev refinery and a thermal sludge drying facility at the Ryazan refinery. The Angarsk Petrochemical Company launches a project to build its own landfill for industrial and municipal solid waste. The Achinsk refinery is completing the construction of wastewater treatment facilities for the hydrocracking complex.

Rosneft’s refining complex is one of the leaders in environmental protection activities in the Russian industry. The Company’s enterprises are annually recognised with relevant awards. The Syzran Refinery received the highest award in the 16th Russian Leader of Environmental Protection in Russia 2020 competition in the Best Environmental Policy in the Oil Refining Industry category at the end of 2020.

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