Hevel Group supplies solar modules to Russia’s largest PV plant in Russia’s Kalmykia region

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), Russia’s sovereign wealth fund, and Fortum, a leading Nordic energy company are investing in a joint project to build a solar power plant with a capacity of 116 MW located in Kalmykia region, in the south of Russia. The power station will become the largest solar energy facility in Russia.

Hevel Group will supply solar modules to the project. The regional plan for development of renewable energy sees to cut the power generation shortage by 2022.

The first stage of the project with a capacity of 78 MW is set to start in the fourth quarter of this year. Once completed the PV power plant will supply electricity to the wholesale market. The second stage of the solar project ramping-up to 116 MW is scheduled for 3-4Q of 2022.

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