The CEO of OAO Holding IDGC Nickolay Shvets attended the 10th International Aviation and Space Salon Maks-2011 in the town of Zhukovsky located near Moscow.
Over 800 companies from more than 40 countries take part in the aviation salon. The public has the chance to see 214 aircrafts. According to he estimate of the aviation salon’s directorate the event will see the signing of contracts for over 10 billion American dollars.
The head of the Holding IDGC had a look on the exhibits of Russian and foreign manufacturers of aviation and space technologies, including the full-scale specimen and projects of the leading Russian defense holdings, including OAO Russian Helicopters, OAO Ruselectronics, OAO Concern Orion,
Among the latest projects of the Russian helicopter constructors the power engineers of Holding IDGC got interested in the light multifunctional all-weather day/night helicopter Ka-226T. This model has been developed for the needs of the Emergency Ministry and for controlling gas and oil pipe-lines, therefore it can be adapted for monitoring power transmission lines. Ka-226Y is also good at flying in the city and landing on the small landing sites in the residential areas, which can be useful while inspecting overhead power transmission lines in a dwelling zone.
As Nickolay Shvets pointed out, the company is interested in a technological and cargo-passenger helicopter complex. “At present fly-arounds are becoming more and more in demand in the activities of the distribution electrical grid companies. The total length of power transmission lines controlled by Holding IDGC is over 2 million km (as a comparison – this is 51 revolutions around the Earth), and a considerable part of transmission lines hangs in hard-to-reach spots. In case of technological failures a traditional round-check of overhead power transmission lines by an electrician’s brigade can become an inexcusably lengthy process, — the CEO of Holding IDGC pointed out. – An important constituent of the uniform technological policy of the Holding IDGC is raising awareness of the current state of electrical grids. This contributes to the optimization of the repairs scheduling and to raising operational efficiency of accident recovery works. Using helicopters will allow not only monitoring of the power transmission state from the air but also promptly transporting Emergency Response and Restoration Teams to the sites of power outage, as well as using the latest innovations such as laser scanning with the aim of technological certification of power transmission lines .”
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