Hydro Power Plants of Volzhsko-Kamskiy Cascade to Face Difficulties During Flood Inflow

The hydro power plants situated in different corners of Russia are preparing for one of the most difficult periods in their work – the spring flood period. Novoskienergetiki.ru report that the first ones to face the ‘big water’ this year are the hydro power plants of the Volzhsko-Kamskiy Cascade. It is this Cascade of HPPs that accumulates over 40 per cent of all the electricity production by RusHydro.
The hydro power engineers will be able to provide a more precise assessment of the operating modes at the Volzhsko-Kamskiy Cascade of HPPs during the future floods in the first days of April, when the re-forecast from the Meteorological Office is received. According to the information available at present the water deposits in the snow of the River Volga basin comprise 100% of the norm already now. It is possible hat the water inflow during the spring flood – 2012 will exceed the long-time annual average by another five to ten per cent, novostienetgetiki. ru report. This is due to the abundant rainfall at the end of March.
According to the press-service of RusHydro, the recommendations for the regime for filling and operating the reservoirs of HPPS in the early period of floods will be prepared in the first decade of April.

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