IDGC of North-West Wins 1.3 Billion Rubles Trial

The Federal Arbitrazh Cort of the North-Western district annulled the resolution of the court of appeal about charging OAO IDGC of North-West 1.2 billion rubles of overpayment and 146.3 million as interest for the benefit of OAO Karelian power supply company.

The Federal Arbitrazh court of the North-Western district upheld the decision of the Arbitrazh court of the Republic of Karelia, which refused charging this amount.

The resolution part of the act of the Federal Arbitrazh court of he North-Western district was publicized on December 2012.

The legal argument between the companies is connected with the issue of “the last mile”, the order of defining the number of hours of using the capacity by the consumer of a power supply company, defining the volume of the rendered service in providing power to blocks of flats and defining the volume of the service rendered to the consumers connected to ownerless grids.

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