The head of the Federal antimonopoly service (FAS) Igor Artemyev declared that his considers the price of gasoline existing in Russia at the moment to be quite reasonable, and even more: “We have now relatively cheap gasoline”, believes Artemyev.
This was declared by the head of FAS in the course of yesterday’s press-conference, dedicated to the problems of antimonopoly laws application. However, he specified that he meant the cost of fuel in relation to its today’s prices on the territory of the European Union. In the United States of America, Igor Artemyev pointes out, gasoline is approximately by ten per cent cheaper that in Russia.
At the same time, the head of the antimonopoly service called out to pay attention to the fact that not so long ago gasoline in the Russian Federation cost more than the average global price by 20% on average, and this price was stable.
Artemyev believes that the decrease in gasoline prices is the result of the large-scale work carried out by governmental agencies, and he sees a considerable merit of the Federal antimonopoly service in the achieved result. FAS, as Mr Artemyev reminds, has been controlling the oil sector of the country’s economy all the time, and for the last two years the service has imposed fines on the oilmen on a regular basis. The total amount of fines, according to Mr Artemyev, comprised about six hundred fifty million American dollars.
Метки: gasoline, gasoline prices, petrol prices, Игорь Сечин, ФАС
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