Igor Sechin to Become Board Chairman at Rosneft

Igor Sechin (See photo), who has recently resigned from the position of Vice-chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, is to become the chairman of the board of directors of the state-controlled Rosneft company. The corresponding directives to the board of directors of the company were signed by the prime-minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

It should be reminded that up to very recent time Igor Sechin was supervising fuel and energy complex of the country in the Cabinet of ministers of the Russian Federation.

It is important to point out that at Rosneft, according to the statute concerning the management of the company, the role of the Chairman of the Board of Directors is exercised by the President of the company, whose position has been occupied by Eduard Khudainatov since September 2010. The Russian media provide no comments as to the role of the latter in the company from now on.


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