Installation of Wind-Solar Power Plant Starts in Baikal Region

The works on the installation of the first wind-solar power plant in the Baikal regions started in the village of Onguren, which is situated in the Olkhon district of Irkutsk region. This is a unique project, in which solar and wind installations are used along with the diesel generator.

The designed generating capacity, which will be produced by the combined power plant, is determined by the parameter of 100 kW.

The equipment necessary for the construction has already been transported to the village of Onguren. The transportation included more than 15 pieces of equipment, including vehicles to transport the equipment of «Oblkommunenergo» — the regional power company is also involved in the construction of the solar power plant, in particular, it carries out the construction of overhead transmission lines 0.4-10 kV. It is these lines that provide electricity to residents of the village of Onguren. All in all the energy company is to build 1 km of overhead lines 4-0-10kV with self-supporting insulated wire and the installation of 31 concrete pillars, and three transformer substations.

Novostienergetiki.Ru remind the readers that the decision to build wind-solar power plant was taken last July at the meeting of «Scientific Expert Council for Energy Efficiency» in the ministry of housing policy, energy and transport, created by the order of the government of the Irkutsk region. The participants of the meeting considered the application for the development and implementation of the «pilot» project to build the station. After the discussion, all members of the scientific expert council voted «for» the project. Town Onguren is the most northern and difficult to access settlement in the Maloe More of Baikal.

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