Investment Program of Unified Grid Company to be Presented to Government in Mid-July

The investment program of the unified grid company is to be presented to the Government of the Russian Federation by the middle of July.
This was announced by the Chairman of the Managing Board of OAO FGC UES Oleg Budargin at the press-briefing, which took place on July 20 at the premises of the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science in St. Petersburg.
Oleg Budargin also pointed out that to meet the main objective of the merger – the increased stability of he electrical grid complex operation, the reduced losses in the grids, the increased transparency of technical connections and tariff load on the end customer, it is necessary to preserve the actual volumes of investment programs of OAO FGC UES and OAO IDGC Holding at the present level for the next five years, but re-distribute them for the benefit of innovations, upgrade and renovations.

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