Joint Energy Company and FGC UES to Consolidate Efforts on Creating Smart Grid in Capital City

On Tuesday October 23 the heads of the Joint Energy Company (JEC) and FGC UES signed the cooperation agreement in introducing smart technologies into the energy system of the capital city, the information centers of both companies report. The documents were signed within the International Energy Forum UpGrid 2012, which has recently opened in Moscow.

According to the information presented by the companies, JEC and FGC UES intend to conduct a number of activities to create the “smart” electrical grid system in the capital city, which in its turn will become a part of the smart grid of the whole country. There are plans to design, operate and repair the power grid facilities in the capital. The partnership of the parties is to be executed in the pilot projects on the creation o energy clusters of “smart” grids and the total coordination of the process of the Federal Grid Company Development Scheme with the scheme of the development of the power grid system of the city of Moscow as well as of the distribution grid complex of the city.

The parties intend to cooperate in scientific and technical spheres with the aim of creating the Computerized Process Control Systems and the automated unmanned substation for introducing the measures, which provide and raise the industrial safety of power facilities.

The experts of FGC are ready to assist in the formation of the legal framework for the development of innovations in the field of electrical energy industry, to carry out the training and re-training events for the specialized staff of FGC UES – Pavel Livinskiy, the general director of OAO FGC says.

The parties expect that their partnership will raise the energy stability and efficiency of the unified power grid complex as a whole, and also will reduce the possibility of disturbances in the electrical part of the grid system.

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