Kazakhstan to Become Key Player Among Global Oil Exporters

The Secretary General of The International Energy Forum (IEF) Hoe van Hulst announced that Kazakhstan is to become the largest oil exporter in the world and to play its role in the oil deliveries to global markets in the coming decades.

According to the head of IEF the oil production in the Republic of Kazakhstan comprises 1.5 million barrels which means – twice as much as three years ago. And all the production sites have been developing ever since. “This proves that oil production in your country will soar and may reach 2 million barrels a day by 2016, and most likely – 4 million barrels a day by 2035. Kazakhstan can enter the top 5 largest oil exporter in the world”, — the Secretary General of the International Energy Forum said.

Besides, van Hulst encouraged Kazakhstan to take part in the International Energy Forum.
Speaking at the Kazenergy conference which took place last week in Astana, the Secretary General of IEF pointed out that “…it will be very important for Kazakhstan which has been developing very rapidly and becoming a key player in the industry to join the energy and political dialogue of IEF”.

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