Kazakhstan to Produce Less Than 83 Million Tons of Oil in 2012

Kazakhstan is to produce less than 83 million tons of oil and gas condensate in 2012, the Minister of Oil and Gas Sauat Mynbaev said on Thursday at the Ministry collegium.

“As a matter of fact according to the strategic plan the planned production volume is 83 million tons however we believe that this figure is going to be a bit lower. This is connected with Tengizchevroil production volumes, with reaching the scheduled production volumes at OzenMunayGaz, there are some intrinsic reasons for production volumes decreasing at the enterprises but there is also some increase at some little enterprises”, — the minister said.

According to his information, the oil and gas condensate production in 2011 is higher than last year but lower than the plan for 2011. Due to the well-known reasons a number of enterprises had a decrease in production, OzenMunayGaz – by over 19% and in December Tengizchevroil had a decrease in production too due to some failure in processing train”, — the minister explained.

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