Komienergo Sum Up Result of Benchmarking Among Distribution Zones

Komieenergo has summed up the result of benchmarking among distribution zones. The top position of the rating was occupied by Vuktyl distribution zone (a part of the production enterprise “Central electrical grids” of the branch of IDGC of North-West Komienergo).

According to the company’s press-release, the activities of distribution zones were assessed in nine criteria, among which – the level of losses in power grids, power and heat consumption for economic needs, quality of grid connection, executing of repair program etc.

Vuktyl distribution zone, which has been characterized by stability recently in all the key factors scored nineteen points. The second came Ukhta distribution zone, and places 3 and 4 were taken by Pechora and Gornyak distribution zones.

Benchmarking is a very important tool for process improvement in business, in particular it gives the possibility to reveal the variants of reducing overhead costs, as well as ways of raising efficacy – in this case, the efficacy of power grids.

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