Largest in Ukraine Wind Power Plant Commissioned in Ukraine

After reaching the designed capacity of 200 MW the Botievskaya wind power plant (a part of the wind farm FTEK Priasovskiy) will generate 686 GWh of “green” energy annually (the
equivalent of power consumption for 960 thousand families).

At present the mounting of 19 wind installations is coming to its end. 11 more wind farms will be installed till the end of October 2012. The first kilowatt-hours have already come to the grids of Zaporozheoblenergo.

By the end of 2012 all the 30 wind turbines of the first phase with the capacity of 90 MW will be launched into the unified power grid of Ukraine. It is expected that another 110 MW of capacity of the Botievskaya WPP will be commissioned till the end of 2013.

The wind turbines are manufactured by Vestas Deutschland, the German subdivision of the Danish company Vestas Wind Systems AS, with which DTEK signed a corresponding agreement on equipment supply in January 2012. The investment into the construction of the plant with the installed capacity of 200 MW will amount to over 30 million euro.

The current project portfolio of “Wind Power (DTEK) in Zaporozhe and Donetsk regions includes two wind farms with the total capacity of about 1200 MW. The wind park in Zaporozhye region is called DTEK Priazovskiy. Apart from the pilot project of Botievskaya WPP with the capacity of 200 MW it includes Berdyanskaya WPP (10 MW) and Primorskaya WPP (200 MW). The wind farm of DTEK Mangush (Donetsk region) is still undergoing a video monitoring. The complete commissioning of the three power plants of the wind farm Priazovskiy with the capacity of 50 MW is forecasted for the end of 201. The total planned amount of investment into this project is about 900 million euro.

“Ukraine has a high potential in the sphere of alternative energy, but so far the share of renewable energy sources in the total energy balance of the country is not big. Today use less than 1 of the natural potential of the wind energy of Ukraine”, — the director of Wind Power Herman Eibinder says.

The Donbass Fuel and Energy Company (DTEK) is planning to locate the generating facilities on the coast of the Azov Seas in Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine. The Crimean peninsula is also attractive as a region with the highest wind potential in the country – up to 3 700 MW. The project portfolio of DTEK in the sphere of wind power comprises about 1200 MW.

DTEK is carrying out wind monitoring and is preparing the infrastructure for providing the stable operation of the future wind farms.

“Our estimates show that the total capacity of Ukrainian WPPs may reach 4 GW” – the director of Wind Power Hermann Einbinder point out.

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