Malefactors In Sosnogorsk Cut Undeground Cable De-energizing Socially Significant Objects

In the town of Sosnogorsk in the Republic of Komi the unidentified persons while trying to steal the underground cable 10 kv belonging to the branch of IDGC of North-West Komienergo, de-energized a school, a kindergarten, and a pumping plant.

Within the 20 minutes the socially important facilities were connected to the fallback circuit.
According to the Sosnogorskiy distribution zone of Komienergo, the total length of the underground cable comprises about 350 meters. The depth of the line is about one meter. The unknown persons dug a trench and attempted to cut the isolated wire. After a short circuit the malefactors left all their belongings at the site and hurried away.

In the opinion of the security officers of the branch, the criminals were most likely non-ferrous metals seekers. The report over the intentional failure of the cable line was filed to the police.

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