Managing Companies in Tver Owe OAO Tver Communal Systems over 380 Million Rubles

The debt of the managing companies in Tver to OAO Tver Communal Systems as of today comprises 380 million rubles. The main debtors are six house managing companies of the regional center.

Despite the growing indebtedness on the part of the managing companies OAO TCS entered the winter season with the energy equipment fully ready for operation, at present heat supply is being provided in the full extent. At the same time the total cost of repairs carried out in the course of preparation for the heating season comprise over half the amount of the debit on the part of the managing companies of Tver.

“The irresponsibility of the managing companies of Tver makes it more difficult for us to fulfoill our contract obligations to our partners, — i.A. CEO of the company Andrey Gribkov comments. – Since we do not obtain the payment for the services that we provide in full we have to find additional opportunities for funding the current operations of OAO TCS.

Due to socially responsible and conscientious consumers the power engineers have the possibility of carrying out the repair campaigns in due time and thus raising the stability of power supply for all consumers. OAO TCS fulfills its commitments to its customers and counts on mutual and timely fulfillment of payment obligations on the part of the managing companies of the city of Tver.

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