MES of South Start Connecting Olympic Sports Palace Iceberg to Grid

Ice Palace Iceberg

MES South embarked on the technological connection of the object belonging to the state corporation Olympstroy — the ice palace Iceberg — to the substations 110 kv Ice Palace and 110 kv Imeretinskaya in the Sochi region. Thus Iceberg will get 6.9 MW of capacity.

In October this year the ice palace will be tested by the Russian sportsmen during the Figure Skating Federation Cup.

In the course of technical connection of the consumer two cable lines 10 kv will be stretched to reserve cells of switchgears 10 kv Ice Palace and the substation Imeretinskaya. To enable technological connection the ice Palace will have to fulfill a number of technical conditions: to equip the object with metering devices, relay protection and automation, as well as by the automatic process control system.

Olympic objects belong to a specific group of energy consumers, for the technological connection of which it is necessary to have two independent sources of power supply and a reserve diesel substation. This is why the Ice Sports Palace will be supplied with electricity from the new substations 110 kv Ice Palace and 110 kv Imeretinskaya, as well as from the upgraded substation 220 kv Psou.

The Federal Grid Company is carrying out the construction and reconstruction of 33 power grid facilities to provide the power supply during the Olympic Games -2014 in compliance with the terms set by the International Olympic Committee and the Federal Special Purpose Program “Development of the city of Sochi as a mountain climate resort”.

During the Olympic Games 2014 the Ice Palace Iceberg will host the figure skating and short-track competitions. The palace has a seating capacity of 12 thousand people.

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