MES South Installed New SF 6 circuit-breakers at Substation 500 Kv Tsentralnaya in Krasnodar Territory

Main Electrical Grids (MES) of South installed 14 modern SF 6 circuit breakers 110 kv at the substation 500 kv Tsentralnaya. New circuit breakers are environmentally friendly, flame-proof and are designed to sustain long-term operation. They are also easy and reliable to use.

The works were carried out within the framework of the execution of OAO FGC UES investment program and in the course of the complex reconstruction of the power facility.

The circuit breakers are designated for switching off the substation equipment and power transmission lines in case of a short circuit. They provide the safety of the main substation equipment. As a result of the circuit breakers’ replacement the stability of the substation 500 kv Tsentralnaya has risen.

Within the framework of the reconstruction of the substation four autoconnected tranformers with the capacity of 125 and 501 MVA and the two reactors 500 kv were upgraded, the substation control building was constructed. Besides, the mounting of the outdoor switchgear 500 kV was completed and the mounting of the outdoor switchgear 220 kv was partially completed, the automatic process control system was installed. It is still necessary to upgrade the auxiliary power supply system, to replace the cells of the indoor switchgear 10 kv.

The reconstruction is scheduled to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2012. The amount of investment of the Federal Grid Company into the technical re-equipment of the power facility will comprise 5 billion rubles.

The substation 500 kV Tsentralnaya with the transformer capacity of 1500 MVA was commissioned in 1976. It is the core center of power supply for the Sochi region. Its stable operation ensures the reliability of power supply for the large industrial consumers of the region including OOO Inzhtechenergostroy, OOO Apsheron Timber Company as well as for 243 new sports and resort facilities, which are under construction for the Olympic Games-2014.

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