Minenergo of Belarus: Electric Supply from Russia Still Not Resumed

Despite the fact that Belarus fully accounted for its electricity debt, the situation with the power delivery resumption from Russia is still ambiguous, the Belorussian Ministry of Energy reports. On Friday, July 1, the state production association Belenergo fully discharged its debt owed to Inter RAO UES, sending the third tranche of 611 million rubles. However as it is reported from Minsk, the resumption of power delivery still has not taken place.

“Yesterday at 22:00 local time (23:00 Moscow time — ITAR TASS) the Ukrainian electrical power delivery to our republic was resumed and today we are planning to reach the volumes stated in the contract, — the assistant secretary of the Energy Minister of Belarus Lyudmila Zenkevitch said to the journalists of ITAR TASS. – As to the Russian electricity – despite the full repayment of the debt owed to LLC Inter RAO UES the company has not started power delivery to Belarus yet”.

Lyudmila Zenkevitch reminds that earlier the technical services of Russia and Belarus agreed upon the resumption of power delivery starting from Thursday July 30. However on that day the representatives of Inter RAO UES stated that “due to technical difficulties” the export to Belarus is not carried out. At the same time Minsk declares that the Belorussian electric energy system is fully ready to receive Russian electricity.

Besides, it is reported that the accounts settlement with Ukrinterenergo was performed in full, and 70% of debt owed to Vostokenergo has also been settled.

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