Miners of SUEK Produce Fifth Million Ton of Coal

New records have been set by the coal miners of OAO SUEK-Kuzbass. On the site#1 “Krasnoyarskaya” the brigade under the leadership of Oleg Kukushkin produced one millionth ton of coal, counting from the beginning of the year. This is the fifth brigade of the company, which has produces its “million”.

In March 2012 the miners started cutting coal face, and within the short period of time they managed to reach the daily production of ten thousand tons.

Out of the face# 808 – the first face of the coal filed of the Polysayevskiy-2 bed, with the withdrawable capacity of 4.7 meters – by November 2012 the cola miners of the Krasnoyarskaya mine are planning to produce the record three millionth ton of coal.



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