The Ministry of Economic Affairs of Russia suggested two variants of raising the electricity rates. Industry analysts recommend investors to adopt a wait-and-see attitude until it becomes clear which scenario the government will choose.
The Economy Department suggests bringing down the growth of electricity tariffs for industrial consumers in 2012-2014. As the deputy head of the department Andrey Klepach said on Tuesday, they suggest two ways of rates advance. The basic scenario presented by the Ministry if adopted should give a serious reason for the restoration of electrical energy cost, since it is more liberal than it was earlier assumed. However there exists an “alternative variant” which without being the primary one, presupposes very tough working conditions for the energy industry in 2012-2014. It is possible that tariff scenarios will be discussed at the government session on Thursday, which means that the final choice of the scenario will become evident by the end of the week. Therefore we recommend investors to adopt a wait-and-see attitude in the electrical energy sector or to buy only the most liquid security papers — IDGC Holding, RusHydro, InterRAO.
Метки: electricity rates, IDGC Holding, InterRAO, RusHydro
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