Moldova: Educational Institutions to be Connected to Biomass Burning Heating Systems

20 educational institutions in 18 villages of Khynchesjtsky, Teleneshtskiy, and Syndzhereyskiy districts will be connected to the heating systems based on bio mass burning within the framework of the project funded by the European Union. As a result of this project the payments for the consumed heating energy will decrease 2-3 times than in the case with the traditional heating sources.

These 18 population centers were selected for the access to the renewable energy sources at the second stage of the program “Energy and Biomass” . The villages which took part in the contest selection, showed that they have reliable sources of fuel from agricultural waste and financial resources for its purchase, public buildings which can be connected to straw burning heating systems, warehouses for storing bales of straw, readiness and motivation of the village population to use the alternative sources of thermal energy.
Energy and Biomass project in Moscow is scheduled for 4 years – from 2011 to 2014.

The total budget of the project consists of 14.56 million euro, the most part of it granted by the European Union (15 million) and the rest – by the UN Development Program in Moldova (560 thousand euro).

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